July 30, 2024

Make the Most of Your Summer: How to Get Involved in Meaningful Volunteer Work

Summer is the perfect time to step away from your daily routine and dive into new opportunities for growth and giving back. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or someone looking to make a difference, summer offers a wealth of chances to engage in volunteer work. Here’s how you can make the most of your summer with meaningful volunteer experiences!

Discover Your Passion

Summer is a great time to explore causes that you care about. Take some time to reflect on what issues resonate with you. Are you passionate about environmental conservation? Or maybe you’re interested in working with children or supporting local food banks? Use this opportunity to find a cause that truly inspires you.

Find Local Volunteer Opportunities

Check out local nonprofits, community organizations, and charity events. Many organizations offer summer programs and special events. You can find opportunities through community boards, local government websites, and social media. 

Here are a few ideas for summer volunteering:

Reflect and Plan for the Future

Use your summer volunteer experiences as a way to reflect on your personal growth and plan for future goals. Consider how these experiences have shaped your interests and what steps you might take moving forward.

Share Your Experiences

Don’t forget to share your volunteer experiences on social media or your resume, let others know about the positive impact you’re making!

Ready to make a difference this summer? Sign up for Givefinity and start tracking your volunteer hours today!

Photo by Canva

Stand Out in the Common App: The Importance of Highlighting Your High School Volunteer Experiences

As summer winds down and August approaches, high school students are preparing for one of the most exciting times of their academic careers: college applications! The Common Application, or Common App, which goes live on August 1st, opens the door to a world of opportunities for your future. According to Forbes, for the 2023-2024 academic school year, 4 year institutions 1,244,476 distinct first-year applicants had applied to 841 colleges participating in the Common App. With thousands of students applying to colleges across the country, how can you make your application stand out? One key way to differentiate yourself is by showcasing your high school volunteer experiences. Here’s why highlighting your volunteer work is crucial and how Givefinity can help you do it effectively.

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Transitioning from Summer to School Volunteering: How to Keep Stress at Bay and Embrace the New School Year with a Positive Attitude

As the golden days of summer draw to a close, the anticipation of a new school year begins to build. For students who have spent their summer break engaging in meaningful volunteer work, the transition back to school can feel overwhelming. Balancing academic responsibilities with ongoing volunteer commitments might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely manageable. Here’s how to keep stress at bay and put forward a positive attitude as you transition from summer to school volunteering.

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