August 6, 2024

Transitioning from Summer to School Volunteering: How to Keep Stress at Bay and Embrace the New School Year with a Positive Attitude

Photo credit: Canva

As the golden days of summer draw to a close, the anticipation of a new school year begins to build. For students who have spent their summer break engaging in meaningful volunteer work, the transition back to school can feel overwhelming. Balancing academic responsibilities with ongoing volunteer commitments might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it’s entirely manageable. Here’s how to keep stress at bay and put forward a positive attitude as you transition from summer to school volunteering.

The Power of Planning

The key to managing both school and volunteering is practicing effective planning. As the school year approaches, take some time to outline your academic and volunteer commitments. Use a planner or a digital calendar to schedule your classes, homework, and volunteer activities. By visualizing your week, you can identify potential time conflicts and adjust accordingly.

Set Realistic Goals

It’s important to set achievable goals for both your academic and volunteer activities. Reflect on what you accomplished during the summer and consider how much time you can realistically dedicate to volunteering during the school year that won’t hinder your academic responsibilities. Setting smaller, attainable goals will help you stay motivated and avoid burnout while accomplishing all that you want to get done.

Communicate with Your Volunteer Organization

Maintaining open lines of communication with the organization you volunteer for is crucial. Let them know about your upcoming school schedule and discuss any changes in your availability. Most organizations understand the demands of a student’s life and will appreciate your transparency. They might even offer flexible volunteering opportunities that fit better with your school schedule.

Leverage Technology for Tracking

Keeping track of volunteer hours can add an extra layer of stress, but it doesn’t have to. Utilize technology to streamline this process. Apps like Givefinity are designed to help students log their volunteer hours easily and accurately. With Givefinity, you can quickly input your hours and generate reports when needed, making the process hassle-free. This way, you can focus more on your volunteering efforts and less on the paperwork.

Incorporate Volunteering into School Life

Look for ways to integrate your volunteer work with school activities. Join or start a school club focused on community service, or take on volunteer projects that align with your academic interests. This not only helps manage your time better but also enriches your school experience by blending learning with meaningful service.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Looking for a way to end your summer with some more volunteer hours? Below are great ways to end your summer and enter the school year supporting and working with quality nonprofits that benefit kids, animals, and those in need. 

  • Help kids through the YMCA (sports, daycare, etc)
  • Feed the community and grow gardens with Inter-Faith Food Shuttle 
  • Like Pets? Spend time loving on Cats or Dog through SPCA

Photo by Canva

Stay Positive and Flexible

Finally, remember to stay positive and flexible. There will be days when juggling school and volunteering feels like too much. During these times, remind yourself of the impact your volunteer work has on the community and the personal growth you gain from it. Stay adaptable and be willing to adjust your plans as needed.

Transitioning from summer to school volunteering doesn’t have to be stressful. By planning ahead, setting realistic goals, prioritizing self-care, leveraging technology like Givefinity, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can successfully balance both commitments. Embrace the new school year with enthusiasm and continue making a difference through your volunteer efforts.

Stand Out in the Common App: The Importance of Highlighting Your High School Volunteer Experiences

As summer winds down and August approaches, high school students are preparing for one of the most exciting times of their academic careers: college applications! The Common Application, or Common App, which goes live on August 1st, opens the door to a world of opportunities for your future. According to Forbes, for the 2023-2024 academic school year, 4 year institutions 1,244,476 distinct first-year applicants had applied to 841 colleges participating in the Common App. With thousands of students applying to colleges across the country, how can you make your application stand out? One key way to differentiate yourself is by showcasing your high school volunteer experiences. Here’s why highlighting your volunteer work is crucial and how Givefinity can help you do it effectively.

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